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171-241227: Harriman It's Been a Long TimeDecember 27-28 2024 | Base Mileage: 10.23 | Dan, Rob, Pete, Jay, Paul, RuddPete visiting from out of state, 'Want to go to Harriman?' Dan waiting with 'Harriman It's Been a Long Time' for years. Dust off FB group, get the word out. Rob suggests Fingerboard a la Christnmas Tree trips of the past. Dan, Pete, and Rudd meet at traditional spot, carpool togther to Pal Parkway visitor center; It's closed, but Dan and Pete become first Harrimaniacs to complete the Major Welch. Meet Rob at Tiorati Circle. Up to 3 inches of snow on the ground. Hike west to AT, RD, William Brien Shelter; not enough time to try for Spanish Mine. Return via Menomine to Seven Lakes Drive to Circle. Pete breaks 300 miles near circle. Meet Jay and Paul, continue up road to AT to Fingerboard. Rudd really likes to boil water. Lows in the mid-twenties. Rudd completes the Perennial, becomes a Ranch Hand (again). Mist and light rain makes for a slippery egress. Let's not wait 7 years to do this again. |
170-171222: Fingerboard Overnight:December 22-23 2017 | Mileage: 3.0 | Dan, RobRevolving door of possible attendees ends with Dan and Rob on the trail. Tiorati Circle near 8PM. Considerable fog with low ceiling, walking in the clouds. Debate the position of the shelter due to low visibility and slighly meandering route. Arrive at shelter to find new roof, decking, timbers, and wall masonry, possibly about 1-year old. Small fire. Find can of black beans, cook on slavaged aluminum foil, foil pan. Rainy morning just above freezing makes for slick conditions. |
169-171124: Big Hill Overnight:November 24 2017 | Mileage: 4.28 | Dan, Getti, Josh, Dan K.Dan K arrives first at Sebago Boat launch, takes extended route from South. Dan, and Getti meet Josh at 'traditional' spot. Meet couple from Indiana at shleter. Dan K. arrives along with a non-member hiker 'Greg' met along the trail. Dan and Getti depart. |
168-160514: Menomine Hike:May 14 2016 | Mileage: 4.6 | Josh, MIchelle D.Hike to Stockbridge, Cave Shelter and back and further south along Silvermine Lake. |
167-151127: ThanXgiving Big Hill Overnight XI:November 27-28 2015 | Mileage: 6.61 | Dan, Rob, Paul D., JayThe decision to move on from the 11-year ThanXgiving Big Hill format was not an easy one, but several years of consideration led us to turn this year's trip into a transition year and the last official "ThanXgiving." In an opposite anomaly of 2014, Thanksgiving temperatures soar into the sixties, leaving the weekend unseasonably warm. Meet at Sebago Boat Launch at 3PM to temps in the sixties. Ski trail, Cranberry Mountain, Old Turnpike, Long Path. Shelter occupied by 2 cordial ex-scouts from Rockland County who have built a camp chair. Set up camp; Jay and Paul in usual spot, Dan and Rob on cliffused on ThanXgiving II. Join the New Yorkers for fire and discussion in the shelter. Coyotes howl, Great Horned Owl hoots. Temperatures drop only to the forties; possibly the warmest ThanXgiving. Having completed his 50th night, Rob becomes the Tribe's second Space Monkey. Depart via Long Path through jet crash site, now with freshly deployed historic marker. Dan breaks 1000 miles on Cranberry Mountain. |
165-150821: Dutch Doctor Overnight:August 21-22 2015 | Mileage: 7.79 | Dan, Getti, AndrewThe 'three amigos' on the trail again after Getti's 2-year, 9-month hiatus. Attemp to park on Tiorati Brook Road east of circle, inexplicably closed near dam. Double back to Skannatati Boat Launch. Unmarked around Askoti, Red Cross, Hasenclever Mine, attempt to find Flaggy Meadow, pass it headed northbound. Lunch at bridge near Menomine terminus. Fail to find Flaggy Meadow again on sounthboud trip. Locate but chose not to take Bockey Swamp. East at road to Hasenclever Mountain unmarked trail, located with difficulty. Trail is very faint, gradually becoming 'regular' faint. Red Cross, road to Boat Launch. |
165-150821: Dutch Doctor Overnight:August 21-22 2015 | Mileage: 4.85 | Dan, Lori, CatelliDan, Lori, and Catelli with nonmembers make a short trip to Dutch Doctor after dark and a delayed start. Shelter occupied with three unfriendly guys who don't want to share the shelter or their "woods." Set up camp in the space occupied during 33-060526 with one nonmember higher up the hill. Simpsons quotes ad nauseaum. Small fire with sacrificed hot dog. Two screech-owls at night provide amusement, Great Horned and whip-poor-will while most sleeping. Hike to Claudius Smith, Elbow Brush, Almost Perpendicular. |
164-150812: Bald Rocks Perseids:August 12-13 2015 | Mileage: 5.6 | Dan, Dan K.Dan and Dan K. arrive at Kanawaukee Circle with no plan. Dan K. suggests trying to view the Perseids, coincidentally visible that night. Back door to Bald Rocks with plan to take elective route for the return. Lots of inorganic chem istry discussions. Beautiful night, Perseids entertaining but not particularly spectacular. Cool morning. Dan K. reaggravates back injury, slow-going. Goldwaite Memorial, Ship Rock. More inorganic chem. Pine Swamp Mine. Return the way we entered. |
163-150522: Bald Rocks Centurion:May 22-23 2015 | Mileage: 4.6 | Dan, LoriDan and Lori take four rookie nonmembers to Harriman for another Memorial Day Weekend at Bald Rocks. Back door. Whip-poor-wills start right on schedule. Crowded as expected, take place on the knoll above shelter a la 110-100530. Dan becomes the ToD's first Centinoctian, completing his 100th night in the same place he completed his 1st. R-D out to road to Kanawaukee Parking. |
162-150417: Stockbridge Overnight & William Brien Hike:April 17 2015 | Mileage: 7.8 | Josh, Carl E.Beaver. Leisurely hike and good sleep. Josh and Carl's first night at Stockbridge. Huge Boy Scout troop. People doing yoga on the trail, women hikers abound. |
161-150101: Cave Shelter Overnight:January 1 2015 | Mileage: 2.9 | Dan, Rob, Lori, Jay, PaulKicking off the new year Harrimaniacs style, Jay's New Year's resolution to complete the Pioneer. Rob in town from South Jersey. Getti preoccupied. Silvermine to Menomine to Unmarked. Paul's purchased wood very unnecessary. Rob suggests 'the movie game;' hours pass but we never make it past 'M.' Cold night. First night at the Cave for Jay and Paul. Jay and Paul leave early, Paul reaches 100 miles. Slow clean-up, remainder depart. |
160-141227: Stone Memorial Overnight:December 27-28 2014 | Mileage: 8.05 | Dan, Jay, Carl E.,Unseasonable warm, just over 50°F. Hike from Sebago Boat Launch, Carl leading. Monitor Rock. Direct Route to Pine Meadow Lake, then take scenic route along unmarked trails from lake to wood road to shelter. Carl completes the Cartogarpher. Shelter occupied but occupants soon depart for a place they 'like better' leaving us with the shelter and a warm fire pit. Chopsticks provide evidence of fire's original owners. Fool below the shelter hordes wood from small trees he felled. Paul never makes it due to furniture delivery, again. Beautiful first night at Stone Memorial for Jay and Carl. Showers in the morning clear before departure. Egg. Direct route back via Conklin's Crossing. |
159-141128: ThanXgiving Big Hill Overnight X:November 28-29 2014 | Mileage: 3.2 | Dan, Jay, Paul D., Dan K.Surprise day-before-Thanksgiving snowstorm leaves Harriman well covered in several inches of refrozen snow and powder. Trees well coated in idyllic white stuff. Late 3PM entry due to small group. Shelter is ours. Limited wood other than that which was hiked in. Coyotes howl. Rotisserie Chickens and pasta. Jay finally arrives at trailhead after surprising lack of dismissal from work, forced to abort between the towers but breaks 100 miles. Temperatures drop. Survival stories and their movie adaptations. Coldest and snowiest ThanXgiving: Just 14°F at 4:30AM... ...inside Paul's tent. Quiet morning, 9AM departure. Two blood splotches and a few drops extend tenths of a mile southward starting below Big Hill, appear to have originated after our arrival. Beautiful scenery. |
158-141107: Tiorati North Hike:November 11 2014 | Mileage: 3.2 | Dan, Andrew, Dan K.Short hike from Tiorati Circle, North on R-D and AT. Seven Lakes Drive back to Circle. |
157-141011: Tiorati West Hike:October 10 2014 | Mileage: 6.0 | Josh, Carl E.Short hike. Greenwood Mine. |
156-140830: Overdue Overnight:August 30 2014 | Mileage: 3.2 | Dan, Lori, JayFairly last minute, very overdue overnight to Dutch Doctor. Paul D. couldn't make it due to 'furniture delivery.' Tiorati Circle to shelter. Shelter and related clearing surprisingly unoccupied despite four seperate groups in woods nearby. S'mores. Muggy but no bugs. |
155-140309: Fingerboard Overnight:March 9-10 2013 | Mileage: 3.07 | Paul D., JayShort overnight to Fingerboard. Tiorati Circle to LP to shelter. Really cold. |
154-131231: Linc'd In Hike:December 31 2013 | Mileage: 4.43 | Dan, Pete, Rudd, KerithHike with nonmembers and dog named Lincoln. New AT to summit. Major Welch back down. Why French ruined English up for discussion. |
153-131129: 9th Annual Big Hill Thanxgiving Overnight:November 29-30 2013 | Mileage: Base Mileage 2.29 | Dan, Rob, Andrew, Lori, Paul D., Jay, Josh, Leah, Carl E., Carl I., MegBrisk afternoon becoming cold. Fire Tower in increasingly scary condition. Shelter vacant, no other campers seen for duration of trip. Two hens and chicken in sterno trays. Water boils off, lower pan burns away before water can be added. Poultry almost lost to fire, wreackaged saved in final seconds. Moved to huge skewer, then chicken to sternos. Overwhelming quantity of food as usual. Rob and Meg arrive late, greeted by only Dan and Josh still awake. Coldest Thanxgiving Overnight on record with a low of 18 degrees. Meg survives the night. Jay, Paul, and Carl I. depart, followed shortly thereafter by Josh and Leah. Balance of the crew departs. |
152-131011: Stockbridge Overnight:October 11-12 2013 | Mileage: 5.4 | Dan, Andrew, Lori, Jay, Paul D., CaraShort overnight to Stockbridge. Departure after dark. Tiorati Circle to LP to shelter. Shelter unoccupied. Great weather. Hippo Rock. |
151-130927: Fingerboard Overnight:September 27-28 2013 | Mileage: 2.71 | Paul, Carl I.Short overnight to Fingerboard. |
150-130921: Fingerboard Overnight:September 21-22 2013 | Mileage: 7.0 | Josh, Leah, Carl E.Overnight at Fingerboard. Lemon Squeezer and Times Square. Lenghty hike planned cut short somewhat short. |
149-130831: Bald Rocks Overnight:August 31 - September 1, 2013 | Mileage: 4.73 | Dan, Lori. Jay, Paul D., Carl I.Summer gets in one last punch with a muggy, 80 degree weekend, threatening rain. Rt. 106 is still closed, despite many drivers still using the road. Re-route to Kanawaukee parking, enter using back door. Shelter occupied with two who say they are staying the night, along with another party who is absent but will return. We occupy rear tent site. Paul describes the "tricenial" homework asssignment. Carl attracts all manner of insects, smoke follows him. Rummy 500, actually finished. Campers depart surprisingly, leaving shelter empty. Shocking news about a high school friend. Warm night. Depart via R-D. Paving equipment on Rt. 106 with extensive road work evident. Road hike to cars. |
148-130615: Appalachian Trail Hike:June 15 2013 | Mileage: 9.1 | Dan, LoriGreat, mild weather for a solid hike, initially intended as an overnight for the previous night. Parked at Elk Pen because closed Rt. 106 block initially intended insertion point at White Bar. Arden Valley also closed (apparently due to pavement conditons), prohibiting rerouting to Seven Lakes Drive. South to A-SB past nesting Hooded Warblers. North on Island Pond Road, pause at the old shelter site. AT through Lemon Squezer to LP. Brood X sparse but evident. Area from Sqeezer to LP Shelter loaded with warblers, tanagers, vireos, flyctahcers, thrushes. Pause at shelter. North through camp to Arden Valley Road and back to Elk Pen. |
147-130518: Cladius Smith Hike:May 18 2013 | Mileage: 4.84 | Dan, Lori, Josh, Carl E.Intended hike to Almost Perpendicular via White Bar and Claudius Smith Den. Slightly delayed 1:30 afternoon start with impending unforecast rain. Uneventful hike towards Dutch Doctor, Josh reaches 100 miles. Pair from NYC disoriented due to use of 1988 Sixth Edition map which didn't include White Bar. 'Only' took an hour on the train to Tuxedo. Left on T-MI passing a scout troop who wanted to know how far the shelter was. At crowded Cladius Carl checks to time--4PM. Josh and Carl have appointments, need to make a quick exit. Misting rain begins, decision make to scratch Almost Perpendicular and take unmakred back to White Bar. Back at the cars Carl checks time--3:05? Rapid egress for nothing. |
146-130328: Tom Jones Overnight:March 28 2013 | Mileage: 10.0 | Dan, Rob, Andrew, Leah, Carl E.Rob's return on spring break precipitates the long-overdue first trip of 2013. Meet at Johnsontown Circle, hike north to intended destination of Dutch Doctor. Dan reaches 900 miles. Shelter occupied, decesion made to press on to Tom Jones. Woods Road to Victory, at intersection stop beside Lake Skenento. Continue towards shelter. Andrew realizes his walking stick left at Skenonto. Find shelter ccupied and other tent campers also present. Area behind shelter vacant, set up tents. Leah and Carl sleep under the stars, Carl completes the Nomad. Arise to warming morning after night in the mid-thirties. Head south on Triagle to Skenonto, retrieve walking stick. Throwing rocks to break ice becomes shotput rock contest. Warm hike back. |
145-121223: Christmas Tree Three:December 23-24 2012 | Mileage: 6.2 | Dan, Rob, Andrew, PeteMeet at boat launch, Rob arrives from South Jersey, Christmas tree in tow for the third time. Below freezing, ice, traces of snow. Dan reaches 900 miles. 'Christmas woods road' reprise. Dark arrival at shelter, Andrew from Florida huddled in the corner. Fire, brats & peppers. Exploding chestnuts, hot chocolate. Frozen towel frisbee. Pete's first night at Fingerboard, earning the Pioneer. More hot chocolate. AT to Surebridge Mine Road. Extensive Hurricane Sandy storm damage near Times Square. Depart for bakery on Rt. 17. |
144-121130: 'Cars Kill' Overnight:November 30-December 1 2012 | Base Mileage: 0.7 | Dan, Josh, Leah, Carl E.Josh arrives, find 'creepy guy' in parking lot, car running, exhaust funneled unto car. Josh departs to Kanawauke lot, calls Dan, still on Rt. 17. Dan drive to police station. Josh contacts Leah & Carl, calls police. Police call Dan, confirm victim's location and withdrawal from car. All arrive at White Bar lot. PIP Police arrive, followed by paramedics, ambulance. Suicide averted. All head to shelter. Fire, snacks. Dan departs around 11PM. Sleep in huge tent. Leah departs, Josh & Carl hike. |
143-121123: 8th Annual Big Hill Thanxgiving Overnight:November 23-24 2012 | Base Mileage: 3.9 | Dan, Getti, Rob, Andrew, Lori, Jay, Paul D., Julie, MegRob & Meg arrive, Dan & Lori right behind. Hike to ORAK, wait for Andrew. Chilly black rat snake. Andrew arrives, 2 gallons of water in tow. Continue. Just shy of intersection with unmarked Meg has domestic problems with her patella. Rob earns the First Responder. Rob & Meg forced to turn back, turn over supplies. Continue, arrive at unoccupied shelter. Meanwhile, Rob & Meg depart slowly with the aid of poles provided by Dr. Katz & Ed Goldstein. Wood plentiful, courtesy of Hurricane Sandy. Fourteen ravens in a group. Jay, Paul D., Carl I. arrive after parking at Bald Rocks trailhead, begin hike. Getti & Julie arrive, begin hike. Guys arrive at shelter followed shortly after dark by Getti & Julie. Dinner; cornish game hens, Carl's stuffing, sweet potatoes, vegetables, cider. Two seperate groups of coyotes calling loudly from east and southwest. Rummy 200. Dan becomes a 4-Star Space Monkey. Jay, Paul, Carl depart. Wood stash. Trail souvenir. Rest depart. |
142-121005: Fugitive Overnight:October 5-6 2012 | Base Mileage: 1.1 | Dan, Andrew, Getti, Leah, JulieShort overnight with suspected murderer possibly at large in the park. No kidding. Dan, Andrew, Getti & Julie head in to Tom Jones. Andrew reaches 400 miles. Tinker with the fire. Dan and Andrew return to cars, rendezvous with Leah, Dan departs. Mouse. Leaf-catching competition in the morning. |
141-120902: Bald Rocks Overnight:September 2-3 2012 | Mileage: 2.7 | Dan, Pete, Lori, Collin, Jen DCollin makes his return after a 117 trip, 7-year & 10-month hiatus. Dan, Pete, Lori, Collin, and Jen D. hike in the 'front door.' Additional non-member arrive later, go on a run. Tin foil meals with excellent presentation and canned foods in a camera bag. Jen D. becomes a Greenhorn. |
140-120811: William Brien Overnight:August 11-12 2012 | Mileage: 2.7 | Dan, Andrew, Paul D., Michelle D.Short overnight. Paul and Dan arrive first, arrive at unoccupied shelter, two day-hikers passing though. Andrew and Michelle arrive soon after. Andrew attempts the Pyro. Burgers and non-stick foil. Andrew and Michelle depart. Overnighters arrive, camp further along Menomine. Paul's first night at William Brien. Finally cools off. Beautiful morning for hike out. |
139-120705: Animal-Jaguar-Thing:June 28-29 2012 | Mileage: 11.5 | Dan, Pete, AndrewSeven-hour hike from the VC to Horse Stable Rock via 'the Pulpit.' Sunny and high 91°. Follow stream to Cascade of Slid, cross eastern stick bridge to Kakiat, then Raccoon Brook Hills. Descend Poached Egg and navigate the north side of Pine Meadow Lake. Conklins Crossing, Egg, Stone Memorial. Create a game plan to reach Horse Stable Rock. Andrew tries to describe a jaguar-animal-type thing. Descend Sherwood Path to power line, flipped jeep carcass, attempt to bushwhack using GPS. Start off too high, descend to Horse Stable Rock. Bushwhack due north back to northern end of Sherwood Path. Retrace path to Pine Meadow Lake, scaps of bloody deer on Conklins Crossing that weren't present on first pass. Heat taking its toll, water low, getting hungry. Torne Valley Road to Kakiat to Raccoon Brook Hills. Finally identify the rock called 'the Pulpit,' somewhat anticlimatic. Dan becomes the first to complete the Explorer. Slink back to VC via Reeves Meadow. |
138-120628: Dutch Doctor Overnight:June 28-29 2012 | Mileage: 5.0 | Dan, Rob, LeahShort overnight to Dutch Doctor, Rob in town. Quiet hike in, man in shelter. Hammocks. Leah arrives, deploys to ground. Late night lighning, thunderstorm, Leah evacs to shelter. Muggy morning hike to Cladius Smith Den. Depart via unmarked to White Bar to circle. |
137-120625: Tom Jones Hike:June 25 2012 | Mileage: 1.1 | Andrew, Michelle D.Michelle's first trip since 88-090306. Short hike for a late lunch. Heavy thunderstorms upon entry and departure from park, not a drop during trip. |
136-120615: Night of the 'Coon:June 15-16 2012 | Mileage: 1.1 | Dan, Andrew, Lori, Josh, Jay, Paul, Leah, WargoShort overnight to Tom Jones. So many cars at trailhead that excess must be parked east of Little Long Pond and drivers shuttled back. Great weather, cards in shelter, shooting stars. Young raccoon spotted. Bed time. Coon returns, ransacks the camp. Eats leftover burger scraps, half a chocolate bar, powdered drink mix, granola bars, and a container of olive oil. Leaves holes in a bottle of Gatorade, two packs, and a bottle of Visine. Rattles pans, knocks a pack off its hanger, and generally makes a mess. Josh reaches Trailguides status. |
135-120604: West Mountain Overnight:June 4-5 2012 | Base Mileage: 3.2 | Dan, Pete, Leah, Kerith, Tim R., JamieFirst trip for Tim R., Jamie, and Kerith. Approach from 9W with Pete via T-T, the Timp, and Timp Pass--replay of 133-120219. Dan and Leah arrive late, approach from Anthony Wayne via Beechy Bottom Road, arrive at shelter in time for start of dinner. Pre-packaged noodles and left-over pot roast. Dan departs around 20:30, evacs via Beechy Bottom. All besides Pete spend first night at West Mountain. Leah leads return to 9W. |
134-120309: Fingerboard Overnight:March 9-10 2012 | Mileage: 3.2 | Dan, Getti, Lori, Carl EQuick trip on one of very few cold nights in an extremely mild 'winter.' Flurried. Quick fire, birthday cheesecake, bedtime. Lows around 27F, 20F with wind chill. Conversations over struggling morning campfire. |
133-120219: In Honor of Leah's Birthday:February 19-20 2012 | Mileage: 9.0 | Pete, Jen D.Miscommunication resulted in one Harrimaniacs and one Harrimaniac-to-be participating. Timpe-Torne from 9W terminus to The Timp, through Timp pass, ultimately leading to overnight location at West Mountain shelter. Eleven other campers (2, 2, 3, and 4) at site all using mobile units. One pair slept in never-seen-before, highly-modified Hennessy Hammocks. Three planets visible, excellent view of NYC, noted heavy numbers of aircraft on final. Returned to staged vehicle on 9W via route of entry. |
132-111230: Long Path Overnight:December 30-31 2011 | Base Mileage: 3.4 | Dan, Pete, Rob, Andrew, Jackson, Jay, Paul, DougJackson in town for Christmas. Dan and Jackson at Tiorati, hike to Fingerboard to wait for Rob. Icicles for target practice. Rob arrives, continue south to Pine Swamp Mine. Follow mine road to LP and shelter. Rob reaches 400 miles. Start fire mid-afternoon. Lots of wood--good thing because others don't arrive until 9PM. Planned to arrive in two waves, delays cause them to merge. Jay completes the Perennial, Doug becomes a One-Night-Wonder. |
131-111210: Doodletown Mines Hike:December 10 2011 | Mileage: 9.3 | Participants: Dan, Pete, KupKup makes his return to the Harrimaniacs after 98 trip hiatus. Anthony Wayne, Fawn, 1777W, June Cemetery to Edison Mine. Ski Road to Doodletown Mine, 1777 to Herbert Mine. Bushwack to West Mt. Shelter. Camper present, two more pairs arrive. Descend AT to Beechy Bottom. North to Mica Mine. Four mine mission complete. |
130-111126: 7th Annual Big Hill Thanxgiving Overnight:November 26 2011 | Base Mileage: 4.1Participants: Dan, Getti, Rob, Andrew, Pete, Lori, Josh, Jay, Paul D, Leah, Carl I, Cara, DougUnseasonably warm. Pete takes Doug to Bear Mt. for first Harrimaniac experince. S-BM parking lot packed but shelter is empty. Pete and Doug catch up on trail. Skyline cleared of trees. Cara has allergic reaction. Third annual turkey roasted to perfection. Kill the turkies, save the lobsters! Rob arrives near 1AM. Depart in morning in two waves. |
129-111119: To the Batcave! Hike:November 19 2011 | Mileage: 3.1 | Participants: Dan, Getti, AndrewShort hike following a Harriman road assessment forward of this week's Thanxgiving VII. Seven Lakes Drive north from Silvermine. Enter woods at stream and bushwack north to unmarked trail. Literally dozens of ticks. First looks as Cranberry Mine, didn't enter due to protected bat roost. Not a bad view from hilltop. Trail back to 'sand pit.' Road back to car. |
128-110902: Tom Jones Overnight:September 2 2011 | Mileage: 0.7 | Participants: Dan, Andrew, Lori, Jay, Paul D, LisaFirst overnight post-Hurricane Irene; Seven Lakes Drive closed. Lisa's first overnight. Mouse in the shelter steals a ginger snap. Andrew and Jay & Paul arrive late seperately, meet en route. Noisy night with mouse rustling bags until food properly stowed. Lori reaches 200 miles. Tickets. |
127-110812: Stone Memorial Overnight:July 23 2011 | Mileage: 7.7 | Participants: Dan, Getti, Lori, JoshJosh leads from Sebago Boat Launch to Stone Memorial after dark in a bid to complete 'the choreographer.' Cool but humid night, nearly full moon. Difficulty staying on Seven Hills during initial ascent. Pine Meadow drags on, blazes near lake missing red square. Conklin's Crossing, S-BM. Successfully arrive after 3 hours to unoccupied shelter; Josh completes the Cartographer. Awaken to pair of men on quads in front of shelter near midnight. Lori completes the Pioneer. Hike back via Pine Meadow, ski road, and Seven Hills. |
126-110723: Cladius Smith Hike:July 23 2011 | Base Mileage: 2.4 | Participants: Dan, Pete, Andrew, Josh, Leah, AliShort hike the Claudius Smith from the Tuxedo train station. Valid mileage starts at park's border. Short detour on wrong trail, double back to R-D. Cladius Smith Rock, Dan and Pete scale the rock face. Return to station. |
125-110708: White Bar Overnight:July 7 2011 | Base Mileage: 0.7 | Participants: Dan, Pete, Rob, Lori, Wargo, KozPete returns, busted ankle. Pete first contact White Bar. Arrive to see shelter improved with 1/3 decking added, tarps in place. Lori & Wargo get GCH7N2. Fire, food. Lori & Wargo depart. Rob arrives, last trip before moving. Dan becomes 3-Star Space Monkey. |
124-110624: Rock Bottom: Knee-Bender Two-Nighter:June 24 2011 | Base Mileage: 29.0 | Participants: Dan, Getti, Rob, Jackson, Koz.Jackson's last trip before moving. Wet trails due to very wet week and very high humidity. Silvermine to Menomine to Nawahunta to LP. Swing east on PG, Hell Hole, Dan reaches 800 miles, 9W. Road-hop to Hessian Lake. Ice cream. Pending fireworks blocks Northern terminus of S-BM. Road and bushwhack to S-BM. Fog sets in as we skirt Doodletown. This must be the ascent. Trail conditions worsen. This must be the ascent. Night falls. This must be the ascent. Koz completes the Trekker, arrive at West Mountain, exhausted and starving. Rob arrives 1AM. Wake to thick fog and sore legs. Descend AT to Ski Road, 1779, S-BM. Skies clearing, temps rising. Ascent of The Pines takes its toll. Leg bandage. Ascent of Pingyp, bodies taxed. Trio of Rattlers. Descend Pingyp hand-over-hand. Lake Welch Drive, Getti and Jackson depart via unmarked to S-BM to car on Gate Hill Road, Paul cancel's rendezvouz at Stone Memorial; plans change. Dan, Rob, Koz to Lake Welch, late lunch, short swim Koz completes Sea Monkey. West shore of lake to Barnes Mine, cache. St. John's Church, LP, Old Turnpike, Big Hill. Buggy night, wake to make final push for the marathon. Turnpike, Cranberry Mountain, Pine Meadow, ski road, Sebago Boat Launch. Rock skipping competition, decide to make final push for VC. Stony Brook, Pine Meadow, VC. Koz completes the Marathon. Lori provides extraction. Third longest trip to date. |
123-110611: Island Pond Road Hike:June 11 2011 | Mileage: 5.5 | Participants: Dan, Paul, Carl E.Last minute hike in light drizzle and fog. Island Pond Road to unmarked to Stanhahe High Peak lookout, too foggy to see. Cache, Carl earns the Treasure Hunter. Return to road, Nurian and Dunning to Valley of Boulders and back. Boston Mine, north to Garfield Mine, backtrack to fork to burned down cabin. Mosquitoes. Return to cars. |
122-110527: HarrimaniaX Tenth Anniversary Weekend:May 27-30 2011 | Base Mileage: 5.75Participants: Dan, Getti, Andrew, Lori, Jay, Paul, Josh, Leah, Ali, Dan K., Laura, Carl E., Mel, CatelliMarking TEN YEARS of Rock Bottom. Dan, Lori, Jay, Laura, Dan K., Mel, and non-members arrive at Fingerboard via Tiorati and AT. Two guys from Toronto. Bugs. Paul gets a blow-out on Pal Parkway, never arrives. Laura, Mel depart. Dan, Lori & Jay hike south on R-D. Contact Paul, decide to meet at shelter. Pothole, Times Square, Ship Rock, Goldwaite Memorial. Bald Rocks Shelter. Guys go to filter lots of water. Paul Arrives. Getti, Leah, Ali, and Catelli arrive. Leah becomes a Ranch Hand, Catelli completes first night. All hike out to Rt. 106. Dan and Dan K. hike south through camps to Lake Sebago Beach. Kicked out of lake while filtering water. Lunch. Meet Andrew at Sebago Boat Launch. Continue to Ducth Doctor. Shelter is ours thanks to black rat snake keeping lesser campers away. Josh and Carl E arrive, Leah re-arrives. Josh completes the Chef with salmon. Carl becomes a One-Night-Wonder. Depart to circle. Dan and Dan K go the distance; Dan K kicks off his Harrimaniacs career with a 3-nighter. |
121-110312: Sapphire Trail HikeMarch 12 2011 | Mileage: 6.2 | Participants: Dan, Getti, Lori, Jackson, Josh, Paul, Leah, MikeThe Harrimaniacs set out to tackle the last marked trail in Harriman. First trip since November for most. Sterling State Forest. AT to Sapphire. Dan completes the Guide. Flooded trails. First stage of GCHQ9F. Paul gives Josh a badly needed 2-ply paper towel. Reach Harriman train station, fail to find micro. Second stage of GCHQ9F on return. |
120-110305: Tom Jones HikeMarch 5 2011 | Mileage: 4.2 | Participants: Dan, Andrew, Josh, Carl ECarl E.'s first trip. Bald Rocks lot still snowed in with snow from December, White Bar lot blocked by Korean hiker's van stuck in mud. Parked at Kanawauke Circle and walked Rt. 106 to R-D. Middle-aged guys at shelter, headed to the fireplace at Victory for steak-ums with peppers an onions. |
119-101229: Snowbound OvernightDecember 29-30 2010 | Mileage: 7.6 | Participants: Dan, JacksonFew participants for an overnight in 12+ inches of 3-day old snow. Late departure, follow snowshoe tracks to Stockbridge, exhausted. Cold night, beautiful morning. North on LP though snow 3'' to 3' deep. Waded to Nawahunta Fire Road, exhausted. North to Route 6, follow to Anthony Wayne, trudge through the drifts to abandoned bathroom on Seven Lakes. Attempt Cranberry Mine, lose unmarked trail in the deep snow at Sand Pit. Hike to Silvermine, watch sledders until we see a collision. Jackson earn the Torger Tokle on borrowed sled. |
118-101126: 6th Annual Big Hill Thanxgiving Overnight:November 26-27 2010 | Base Mileage: 4.0 | Participants: Dan, Getti, Rob, Andrew, Lori, Jackson, Jay, Paul, Carl, LauraDan, Lori, Jackson, Laura arrive at 1PM, carry turkey and loads of supplies to shelter via road, S-BM, Old Turnpike, LP. Collect wood, start two fires. Jay, Carl, Kate arrive with woods and supplies, cooking effort procedes. Ed and dog Chelsea. Getti and Andrew arrive as dinner is ready. Feast. Paul arrives, colored fire sticks. Temps falling. Rob arrives after most have bedded down. Jay and Paul become Ranch Hands. Rob departs before most awake. Morning low around 25°F, "Real-Feel" of 9°F. H.E.C. (aka Hot chocolate) and hot cider. Jackson becomes 8th 100-mile Harrimaniac. |
117-101112: Dutch Doctor Overnight:November 12 2010 | Mileage: 5.3 | Dan, Jay, PaulLate departure and short overnight to Ducth Doctor. Lots of large wood at site, Paul earns the Pyro with a great fire on a night a few degrees above freezing. Jay uses new tent to complete the Nomad. Exit via Claudius Smith, Elbow Brush, Almost Perendicular, Dater Mine. Flush Ruffed Grouse just south of Claudius. |
116-101104: Quest for the Mountain Trail:Pix |November 4 2010 | Base Mileage: 15.6 | Dan, Rob, Andrew, JaySingle objective to hike the 315 feet of the Mountain Trail on Harriman property. Constant rain. Start at Sebago boat launch, hike south to T-MI, west to Claudius Smith, south past Elbow Brush and Almost Perpendicular. Andrew departs at Dater parking. Road to VC, pick up pace to meet time deadline. Pine meadow and Kakiat to gas line, downhill runs. Reach Mountain, hike though Harriman section. Rob goes on ahead to make it to work in time, Dan and Jay following on Torne Valley and Pine Meadows roads to Seven Hills. Injuries to all. |
115-101008: Live Fire: Cache Me If You Can II: Kanawauke Circle:October 8-9 2010 | Base Mileage: 4.1 | Participants: Dan, Getti, Rob, Lori, Jackson, Josh, Leah, Jay, Paul, Neal, Mike, YelenaSecond installment of CMIYC, second-most-attended ToD trip to date. Wait for Rob & Yelena at Kanawauke. Dan & Jackson reacon their empty car on Rt. 106. Back door entry to Bald Rocks. Tactical attempt to take Rob & Yelena by surprise uses double agent Mike and ends with Dan almost surprising two strangers with dogs. Jay & Paul arrive late, earning the Cartographer. Dinner, bed, Leah earns the Nomad, 8AM egress. Meet Neal & Getti at Kanawauke. Wait 1h 45m for Mel, who simply could not find us. Late start with 4 teams. Jackson, Leah, Jay, Mike, Yelena earn the Treasure Hunter. Team Black Eyed Pea with captain & rookie Harrimaniac Mike win CMIYC2 with 10 caches! |
114-100910: Stockbridge Overnight:September 10-11 2010 | Base Mileage: 3.7 | Participants: Dan, Getti, Andrew, Lori, Paul, CarlCarl's first trip, Paul's first overnight. Twilight arrival at shelter, three guys tenting North of shelter, another group arrives soon after, tents south of shelter. Mango strips. Andrew makes early egress, accompanied by Dan and Getti who reaches 400 miles. Dan calls in two screech-owls in the parking lot--one of which buzzes their heads. Rummy at the shelter. Dan & Getti return. Next day depart via caches at Hippo Rock & Lewis MIne, Carl earns the Treasure Hunter. Dan earns second star. |
113-100703: Live Fire: Cache Me If You Can I: Anthony Wayne:July 3 2010 | Base Mileage: 3.4 | Participants: Dan, Getti, Andrew, Lori, George, Neal, Jay, Paul D, Lauren, LauraFirst 'Cache Me If You Can' and first Harrimaniacs competition. Rendezvous at 9AM, teams form-- Ground Zero Heroes, Cachtastrophe, and Darma/LOST. Getti, Andrew, George, Paul complete the Treasure Hunter. Cachetastrophe DQ'd 1m40s after 1PM finish time. Ground Zero Heroes win with 5 caches over 5.4 miles! Cap it all of with a great BBQ. |
112-100630: White Bar Overnight:June 30-July 1 2010 | Base Mileage: 0.7 | Participants: Dan, Getti, Lori, Rob, JoshVery last-minute, short overnight/mallow roast to White Bar. Josh almost catches a Five-lined Skank. Rob's roast tuna. Josh exits. Rob completes the Pioneer, departs early. |
110-100530: 9th Anniversary Bald Rocks Overnight:May 30-31 2010 | Mileage: 4.6 | Participants: Dan, Getti, Lori, Jackson, Josh, Leah, AliEnd of the 9th year of the Harrimaniacs. R-D. Bald Rocks packed-- shelter occupied, at least 11 other tents besides us. Camp on knoll SW of shelter. Rummy 250. Whip-poor-wills a-plenty. Adventures for Women present. Leah completes the Pyro. Jackson completes the Nomad. Dunning, White Bar, Rt. 106. Dan, Getti, Lori, & Jackson head out, detoured by Memorial Day parade traffic. Josh, Leah, and Ali head to Lake Welch, complete the Sea Monkey. |
109-100526: Phantom Overnight:May 26-27 2010 | Mileage: 3.7 | Participants: Rob, JacksonAttempt to find island after dark ends after island IDed as a peninsula. Backtrack. Island Pond gate closed. Kanawake and Phantom. |
108-1005xx: Dutch Doctor Hike:May 2010 | Mileage: 3.3 | Participants: Lori, Jay, Rob PRob P's first trip. Johnsontown Road Circle, White Bar north to Dutch Doctor and back. Few minutes of rain didn't prevent eating lunch at the shelter. |
107-100402: Torne-Bear Hike:April 2 2010 | Mileage: 11.8 | Participants: Dan, MattBest weather so far this year. Parked at Fort, looped around Brooks Lake, Popolopen Torne. Lunch at the Soldiers' Memorial. Cross the gorge, ill-maintained and flooded 1777 Trail to AT, ascend to Bear Mt. "Where iz de show? Deice iz de tower. Where are de bears?" Make Perkins Tower ten minutes defore closing. Descend on AT, Dan reaches 700 miles at base. Zoo closed, AT blocked. Detour around circle with guy and girl from Long Island also looking for Forts. Warned we were on private property, oops. Matt finally becomes a Ranch Hand. |
106-100312: Fingeboard Overnight:March 12 2010 | Mileage: 2.8 | Participants: Dan, Getti, Rob, Andrew, Lori, JoshStrong winds, heavy rain. Dan and Lori arrive early, shocked to find almost a foot of snow blocking parking for planned Tom Jones overnight. Plans shifted to sure-to-be-plowed Tiorati circle, Fingerboard overnight. Slushy trail with secret sub-snow streams. Getti, Rob, Andrew, and Josh arrive late with first Harrimaniacs birthday cake ever! Wake to slacking rain but worsening winds. Josh completes the Perennial, becomes a Ranch Hand. |
105-100214: Silvermine Sledding:February 14 2010 | Base Mileage: 0.2 | Participants: Dan, Rob, Lori, Christina, ShannonStill plenty of snow from last week's major storm. Lots of sledders present. Dan and Lori 'complete' the first tamdem Tokle run, enduring three bush impacts and a tube with multiple puncture wounds. Cross-trained on variety of sled types. Lori, Christina, Shannon complete the Torger Tokle. |
104-100202: Slippery 'the Situation' Stone Memorial Overnight:February 2-3 2010 | Base Mileage: 14.5 | Participants: Dan, Rob, PetePete's surprise pre-deployment visit illicits impromptu next-day, mid-week trip. Pete & Dan depart from Sunden's via A&P, Rt. 59. Sebago Boat Launch parking. Seven Hills, light snow begins, Pine Meadow West & Conklin Road, Pine Meadow, ice chain demo, Pete's first night at Stone Memorial. Rob arrives late, completes the Cartographer. Low near 24°F, 3/4 an inch of snow. Slippery trails, the Egg, Conklin Cemetary, Poached Egg, what's your Jersey Shore name? Via viewpoints south to the Ramapo Torne. Very slippery trails. Cut across to VC, north along Stony Brook. |
103-100130: Island Pond Hike:January 30 2010 | Mileage: 7.1 | Participants: Andrew, Getti, RobMorning hike past Bald Rocks, around Island Pond. Very cold, very icy. Getti the Walrus. "Easy Way." Crossed frozen island pond. Garfield Mine. |
102-100123: Ramapo Rampart Hike:January 23 2010 | Mileage: 10.4 | Participants: Dan, Lori, Jackson, Jay, PaulGreat weather, steep hill. Red Arrow. S-BM. Second game of Halfway Hockey: Dan vs. Jackson vs. Jay. Anticpated destination Kakiat County Park, but slow first leg forces a premature turn around at Stone Memorial. Singing Korean hikers at the shelter. Woodtown Road. Ice smashing at Squirrel Swamp. File Factory Hollow. Power line cut back to the cars. |
101-091227: Rock Bottom: Puddle Jumper 2-Nighter:December 27-29 2009 | Base Mileage: 23.2 | Participants: Dan, Getti, Andrew, Rob, JacksonPark completely flooded from 45° rain and snow melt leading up to trip--streams & trails inundated with water. Jackson plans to starve, freeze, die, and become a cannibal. Flooded rivers on Kakiat. Half-mile bushwhack. Rob joins late at Cladius Smith. Morning snow showers. Rob departs. Flooded streams on Triangle. Very wet, icy, temps dropping. Jackson's body doesn't work right, still hungry. Rt. 106 to LP. Lunch at Big Hill. Flooded night-hike on Pine Meadow Road. Slink into Stone Memorial. Jackson burns socks. Wake to ~14° with high winds (reminescent of 3-020100). Ga-Nas-Quah, Cascade of Slid, VC, cars at Johnsontown Circle. Severe body aches for all. |
100-091127: 5th Annual Big Hill Thanxgiving Overnight:November 27-28 2009 | Base Mileage: 3.8 | Participants: Dan, Getti, Rob, Andrew, Lori, Christina, JacksonONE HUNDREDTH TRIP and 5th year at Big Hill Shelter for Thanxgiving. Rain holds off. Guys arrive early, turkey in tow. Getti and Andrew return for girls. Thanxgiving dinner with turkey, stuffing, green beans, sweet and baked potatoes, apple cider, and corn bread, cooked on '800° fire.' Rob arrives. Getti completes the Pyro. Jackson likes Twilight. She's made of polygons! Rummy 300. Very windy night. Rob departs early. Christina breaks 100 miles on Old Turnpike. Almost killed by a falling tree on Pal Parkway. |
99-091114: Parker Cabin Hollow Hike:Pix | November 14 2009 | Mileage: 4.6 | Participants: Dan, Lori, Jackson, Jay, Paul:First trip for Paul. Parked on Rt. 106 near Rt. 87. First trip on Parker Cabin Hollow--hiked the entire trail and continued on White Bar. Rain held off until White Bar Parking area. Hiked to Boston Mine and back in the rain. |
98-091030: Halloween Long Path Overnight:Pix | October 30-31 2009 | Base Mileage: 7.7 | Participants: Dan, Getti, Andrew, Lori, Christina, Josh, AliAli's first Harrimaniacs experience. Stuck in the mud on Surebirdge Mine Road. Surebridge Mine. Andrew breaks 300. Greenwood Mine. Christmas Part Duex star in shelter. Dan completes the Chef, Josh the Nomad. Unexpected rain. Pine Swamp Mine. |
97-091003: "A Modest Proposal" Timp Hike:October 3 2009 | Base Mileage: 6.7 | Participants: Dan, Getti, Andrew, Lori, Christina, JoshHike to the Timp of a humid day of fall showers, turning to fog. Retraced the steps of "The Rattlesnake Trip" as far as the Timp. Dan proposes to Lori at the summit. "I'm already part of the family!" Christina finally meets mileage requirements for Trailguide. |
96-090906: Labor Dabor Overnight:September 6-7 2009 | Mileage: 4.85 | Participants: Dan, Lori, Christina, Jackson, Josh, LeahFirst time at Cave Shelter for all but Dan. Hike via Stockbridge (not Stockholm), Cave Shelter, Nawahunta Fire Road, 2 caches. Lots of "millimeters." Josh completes the Pyro. "Were these designed for butts?" Crazy rash--Josh bit by a Brown Recluse. Jackson finally becomes a Ranch Hand. Dan becomes 1-Star Space Monkey. |
95-090831: West Mountian Overnight:Pix | August 31-September 1 2009 | Mileage: 5.8 | Participants: Dan, Rob, MattLate entry to park via Pal Parkway. Matt completes the Pyromaniac homework. Cajun sausages. Only 55 degress at night. Rob reaches 300 miles. |
94-090806: White Bar Mallow Roast:August 6 2009 | Mileage: 0.7 | Participants: Dan, Getti, Rob, Andrew, GeorgeShort hike to White Bar for s'mores on a beautiful night. Chairs at tent site, canned food, fresh corn-on-the-cob and unopened beer left at shelter-- Owners never materialized. Burned candles, jeans. Didn't talk about Dumb and Dumber. Pissed out the fire. |
93-090801: Ghetto Beach BBQ:August 1 2009 | Mileage: 0.0 | Participants: Dan, Getti, Rob, Andrew, Lori, Christina, MattFinally took the plunge at one of Harriman's 'ghetto beaches.' BBQ at Lake Sebago Beach area. Football, frisbee, food. Cheez-it Scrabble. Matt arrives late, all enter the water to become the first sea monkeys--newly created Homework Assignments first implemented. |
92-090705: Rock Bottom: You Don't Know Where I've Been, Lou:Pix | July 5-8 2009 | Base Mileage: 42.8 | Participants: Dan, Getti, Rob, Andrew, Lori, ChristinaRecord-breaking 3-night trek for Dan & Rob. Getti's pack loses a pin. Evening train to Suffern. Rob's water breaks. Enter Harriman at terminus of S-BM. Long 9 miles to Dutch Doctor. Trail angels Lori & Christina are waiting at shelter with resupply. Dan & Getti escort girls out. Mice. Coyotes. Sunny 12.4 mile day 2. Pass Tom Jones, lunch at Bald Rocks. Times Square, bugs set in on mine road, pass Fingerboard, ice cream & candy at Tiorati Circle. Dinner, hammocks, & bivies at buggy William Brien. Getti & Andrew depart in morning via Silvermine. Dan & Rob south on Dean, Beech, Red Cross. St. John's. Big Hill. Snake. Weather a storm in shelter. Woods roads. Caught in storm. Stone Memorial after 13.5 miles. Snake. Share site with Jewish camp from Port Jervis. Tastes like chicken. Feast. Stormy night. Record-speed 7.9 mile egress on day IV. Dan breaks 600 miles. Barely catch train. |
91-090626: Dutch Doctor Overnight:June 26-27 2009 | Base Mileage: 7.1 | Participants: Dan, Getti, Rob, Lori, JacksonGot the shelter. Nearby BSA from Mineola, NY preparing for Philmont. "I'll bet you 1/4 of my Cheez-its for..." Lori arrives to a rainy rendezvous at the circle. Poker, rummy, M&M's, Red Vs. Blue. Jackson and Rob depart early. Lori breaks 100 miles, Getti breaks 300. Cladius Smith, Blue Disc, administer first aid to hiker who fell and cut arm, Black Ash Mine, unmarked, White Bar. |
90-090523: William Brien Overnight:May 23 2009 | Base Mileage 5.0 | Participants: Dan, Getti, Andrew, Rob, Sean, Jackson, Leah, Dan BRob arrives early and ninjas the shelter, conquistador style. Getti & Dan arrive next. First trip for Leah & Dan B. First overnight for Josh. Andrew escorts remaining group to bridge before turning around. Forty people at William Brien; scouts, Princeton orientation leaders, Harrimaniacs. Rock toss, 'chem lite' toss, Dan B required emergency chem-lite eye evac. Morning hike to Black Mountain. Two caches on way out via Ski Road. |
89-090409: Rock Bottom: The Final Countdown:Pix | April 4 2009 | Base Mileage: 20.0 | Participants: Dan, Getti, Andrew, RobFirst 'official' Rock Bottom trip and a narrowly failed attempt at breaking the 1-night distance record. Getti explains his split personalities. Sunset falls en route. FIRST CONTACT Stone Memorial Shelter. Large percentage uncharted territory covered. Dan becomes first Harrimaniac to camp all 12 shelters, earning the Pioneer. Rob is irritably social. Lunch at Big Hill. Andrew splits a toenail. Narrowly avoid the rain. |
88-090306: Kamikaze Overnight:March 6 2009 | Mileage: 1.1 | Participants: Dan, Getti, Andrew, Rob, Lori, Christina, Matt, Jackson, Michelle D.Post-hibachi dinner overnight to Tom Jones. Night-time arrival in near-freezing temps. Next morning erupts into a 55° F t-shirt snowball fight. |
87-081223: Fingerboard Pre-Christmas Overnight Part Deux:Pix | December 23 2008 | Base Mileage: 3.4 | Participants: Dan, Getti, Andrew, Rob, Dan M.Rob tries for CORE, but too few noobs are up to the challenge. Larger Christmas tree, more ornaments, and brats! Snow conditions with raising temps. 8 inches of snow great for sledding through the Fingeboard Mt. woods. Dan and Rob sled Silvermine at 24+mph! |
86-081128: 4th Annual Big Hill Thanxgiving Overnight:Pix | November 28 2008 | Base Mileage: 4.0 | Participants: Dan, Getti, Andrew, Rob, Lori, Christina, Sean, Paul, Sarah T.First trip for Sarah. Sean ends 30 month hiatus. Shared site with BSA Troop 55, Glen Ridge. Fried Lobes, Ho-tah, stargazing, slept under the stars. Georgetti's hot pants, seriously. Dan becomes the Tribe's first SPACE MONKEY. |
85-081115: Ga-Nus-Quah Hike:November 15 2008 | Mileage 4.3 | Participants: Dan, Lori, JoshRain held off enough for a hike from Johnsontown Road Circle to Ga-Nus-Quah. Josh continues his Tourist dominance. Golden-crowned Kinglets above Cascade of Slid. Lori reaches Trailguides status. |
84-081017: Lori's CORE Overnight:Pix | October 17 2008 | Base Mileage: 1.4 | Participants: Dan, Getti, Rob, Lori, Christina, Jackson, Michelle D, JayLori's second attempt at CORE, this time with enough people. Dan & Getti enter from Kanawauke Circle parking. Rendevouz at R-D and Rt. 106. Trailhead departure after dark due to traffic. Partial lack of flashlights, off the trail, missed the trail, circled back, bushwacked, picked up ticks. Great chicken. Low near 30F. Dan, Getti & Rob slept outside. Beautiful morning. Found ticks. Rob reaches Lord-of-the-Flies status. |
83-080922: Jack's 83rd Trip:Pix | September 22 2008 | Base Mileage 6.3 | Participants: Dan, Pete, RobPete's farewell trip before South America + Japan for 2 years. Returned to Bald Rocks to commemorate our first trip. Awesome weather. Back door entry to Bald Rocks. Man reading in shelter departs to sleep outside. Discover trail Angel 'Max' has taken care of the shelter. Nice fire. Rob arrives late, departs early in the morning. Goldwaite Memorial, Dan reaches 500 miles. Ship Rock, Times Square, Pothole, Pine Swamp Mine + geocache, Hogencamp geocache. |
82-080921: Neal Returns:September 21 2008 | Mileage: 3.8 | Participants: Dan, Rob, Christina, NealNeal arrived via detour through Glen Rock, Ridgewood, and Waldwick Rite Aid. Late departure. Short hike via Sebago Parking, ski road, Buck, and Seven Hills. Neal finds his first geocache. Two pileated woodpeckers. |
81-080905: Stockbridge Overnight:Pix | September 5 2008 | Mileage: 3.2 | Participants: Dan, Rob, Lori, Christina, Dorian, KimLori, Dan, and Kim see Rudd on the highway on the way. Dorian and Kim's first trip, first overnight at Stockbridge for all but Dan and Rob. Short trip to Stockbridge before Tropical Storm Hannah. Humid and muggy, but not unbearably hot. Walking stick on Lori's stuff. Light overnight rain. Dorian departs early in the morning. Slippery return to Silvermine. |
80-080822: William Brien Overnight & BBQ:Pix | August 22 2008 | Base Mileage: 5.96 | Participants: Dan, Getti, Andrew, Lori, Christina, Matt, Jackson, Michelle S., JoshMichelle's first trip. Friday night at William Brien with 4 guys from SUNY. Tin can wiffle ball. Saturday BBQ at Silvermine Parking area. Food, frisbee, football. Way too many buns. |
79-080808: Dutch Doctor Overnight:August 8 2008 | Mileage 3.2 | Participants: Lori, ChristinaShort overnight to Dutch Doctor without the guys. Hot and damp. |
78-080719: Cave Shelter Overnight:Pix | July 19 2008 | Mileage 9.3 | Participants: Dan, RobLast minute overnight and second try for Cave Shelter. Hot. Blueberries everywhere. Rob keeps his end of the bet and carries the sodas. Plenty of bugs at Cave Shelter, but bearable. 7am departure North on Long Path. Torrey Memorial. Shelter ruins. West Point border. Heat + humidity turned us back at Howell Mt. Geocache at Lewis Mine. Hiker with dog mentions his bear sighting. Bear droppings on trail. |
77-080711: West Mt. Overnight:Pix | July 11 2008 | Base Mileage: 6.4 | Participants: Dan, Getti, Andrew, Lori, Christina, PaulPaul's first trip. Retraced steps of the 'Neal Trip' and 39-060826. Noobs at AT x T-T and near shelter. 'Prefered their tents' but came expecting to find water. Andrew and Dan double back to pick up re-Aunted Lori. Great weather. Owls, shooting stars, 4AM whip-poor-will on shelter. Noobs leave us with year's supply of food. Cat's Elbow descent. Andrew almost steps on a juvenile rattler. |
76-080630: West Harriman 2-Nighter:Pix | June 30-July 2 2008 | Base Mileage 26.1 | Participants: Dan, Getti, Andrew, RobFinally settled on a Stockbridge-White Bar 2-Nighter. Bottlecap. Bugs. Getti almost steps on a Black Rat Snake. Stroll through active YMCA camp. Rattler at Stockbridge. Groundhog, skinks, and tons of birds too. Harris Mine. Island Pond. Road Monument. Level road dissappears at Stanhahe. Andrew arrives, buggles back to YMCA camp. Rob arrives in early morn. Andrew makes Lord-of-the-Flies. Rob departs. Back to the boat launch. 3rd longest trip. |
75-080627: Three Amigos Hike:June 27 2008 | Base Mileage: 5.1 | Participants: Dan, Getti, AndrewPlanned for Car Pond Mountain Hike, but Rt 106 bridge was still out. Opted to hike all the unmarked trails near the Kanawauke Parking Area. Abandoned camps. Latrines everywhere. "Three Amigos Shelter" discovered. Revisited Phantom Shelter. |
74-080614: Ramapo Rampart Hike:June 14 2008 | Base Mileage 8.7 | Participants: Dan, Getti, Andrew, Jen, Lori, ChristinaVery hot day for a hike on the S-BM. Suffern street parking. Geocache at highway overlook. Lori and Christina exit. Trail ill-maintained. Kitchen Stairs, Valley of Dry Bones, Kakiat County Park & trail. Lunch. Long return before the rain. |
73-080606: Dutch Doctor Overnight:June 6-7 2008 | Mileage 3.8 | Participants: Dan, Rob, Lori, Matt, AmyShort overnight to Dutch Doctor. Amy's first Harriman experience. Late departure, entrance via Johnsontown Road Circle and White Bar. Singing Blue-winged Warbler. Got the shelter finally. Matt's second attempt at chicken not as good as the first. Rob arrived late. Exit via T-MI and unmarked woods road back to White Bar. |
72-080517: Almost Perpendicular II Hike w/ IYM:May 17 2008 | Base Mileage: 6.0 | Participants: Dan, Andrew, Rob, Lori, Christina, T Conn, Jeremy, non-membersJoined up with Immersed Youth Ministries for another hike--this time past Dutch Doctor, Cladius Smith, and Almost Perpendicular. |
71-080504: Seven Hills HikeMay 4 2008 | Mileage: 3.7 | Participants: Lori, ChristinaFirst time parking at Lake Sebago. Headed up Seven Hills. Black rat snake on incinerator. Return via T-MI. |
70-080423: Rampo Torne IV HikeApril 23 2008 | Mileage: 5.2 | Participants: Dan, Andrew, T Conn, non-memberEller joined us for a short hike from the VC to Ramapo Torne. GPS in force. Couldn't find the Torne Cache. Hot with a chance of bugs. Took the recently extended HTS down the steep side of the Torne. Headed the wrong way on unmarked. |
69-080418: Fingerboard OvernightApril 18-19 2008 | Base Mileage 6.1 | Particiapnts: Dan, Getti, Lori, Christina:Short overnight to Fingerboard shelter. Beautiful weather. Getti runs over Lori's foot at Tiorati. Bugs are everywhere on first truly warm day of the year--high in the 80's. Got the shelter. *Through Hikers* with canine chatted for a while. Exit via AT--> LP--> A-SB to Boat Launch. |
68-080402: Silvermine Ski Road HikeApril 2 2008 | Mileage: 6.05 | Participants: Dan, LoriMissed the trailhead; backtracked. Hikes through motor camp, up ski road, past end of 'pavement.' Trail dissolves; backtracked. To AT past William Brien, located the opposing trailhead of the ski 'road' on the way. Dan hits 400 miles just beyond Bockey trailhead. |
67-080321: Bald Rocks OvernightPix | March 21 2008 | Base Mileage: 4.1 | Participants: Dan, Getti, Rob, Jen, Lori, ChristinaGood Friday overnight to Bald Rocks. Rt. 106 bridge closing caused major chaos. First back door entrance to Bald Rocks. Started 3 hours late. High winds. "I think he's gay." Discovered and camped at 'Rob's Terrace.' 6PM rendezvous with second crew. Pete never makes it--sleeps at boat launch in car. Coyotes peeping on Jen. Getti melts sock to hand. |
66-080315: Almost Perpendicular HikeMarch 15 2008 | Mileage: 6.5 | Participants: Dan, Getti, Andrew, Lori, JacksonJohnsontown circle to Dutch Doctor, North to Victory, South to Cladius Smith and Almost Perpendicular. Jackson will eat it. Ticks in Black Ash Swamp. |
65-080216: Stoopid Cupid 2-Nighter:Pix | February 16-18 2008 | Base Mileage 36.9 | Participants: Dan, Pete, Getti, Andrew, Rob2-nighter for Rob, Pete & Dan. "2 nights, 2 caves, too hot to handle," "Is that what a [fill in the blank] looks like?" Icy unmarked/T-MI/R-D detours and backtracks. Should have bought the crampons. Coyotes & great horned at Cladius Smith. Geocaching & gipps. Pete reaches Lord-of-the-Flies. More backtracking on unmarked. Road hike. Getti & Andrew join at Tiorati. Wet night at Cave Shelter; Getti, Andrew, Rob relocate to Stockbridge. Rob departs. Andrew's car won't start--so we hike round trip. Popolopen Gorge ice-hike of death. Microclimate rain. Fort Montgomery. Getti reaches Lord-of-the-Flies. Pete reaches 200 miles. Dan & Pete 36.9-mile record breaker. |
64-080201: Tom Jones Ice Bowl Overnight:Pix | February 1-2 2008 | Mileage: 12.55| Participants: Dan, Andrew, RobIntended Super Bowl weekend overnight to Dutch Doctor. Departed VC in light rain which quickly turned to heavy rain/sleet/ freezing rain. Ice covers everything. Dutch Doctor occupied with sketchy campers. Decided to attempt Tom Jones via Victory. Any remaining dry clothes wet by Skenonto. Tom Jones occupied, stay anyway. Return on Victory, White Cross, Blue Disc via Cladius Smith and Almost Perpendicular. |
63-080126: Pine Meadow Hike:Pix | January 26 2008 | Mileage: 6.7 | Participants: Dan, RobBirders on Seven Lakes looking for Bohemian Waxwing. V.C. to Cascade of Slid on Pine Meadow. Streams very icy. Halfway Hockey on Halfway Mt. HTS and Seven Hills to Monitor Rock. Incinerator. Woods/ski roads back to Slid via Ga-Nus-Quah. |
62-071226: Post-Chrsitmas Ankle-Breaker:Pix | December 26 2007 | Base Mileage: 25.6 | Participants: Dan, Getti, Andrew, RobTwo night then-record for Dan & Rob. Cars @ Visitor's Center, Silvermine, Iona. Whole park is snowy, icy, slippery & wet. Doodletown. Rob breaks 100 miles. CM, unmarked, 1777E. Sloshy 1777 to Timp Pass Road. No Stove. Red Cross. Girl Scout Camp. Menomine. Willy B at last. Rain starts. Only 7 miles? Dan breaks 300. Bathroom conference. Getti, Andrew depart. Road hike. Lunch @ Tiorati circle 'pavillion.' South to 'Phantom Shelter.' Rt. 106 to Rock House. LP St. John's. Old Turnpike to Big Hill for dinner. Night hike Old Turnpike, Lake Welch Drive. Road hike to Tuxedo-Mt. Ivy. Almost collapse. Rain ends. Dutch Doctor finally. Mice like Cliff Bars. White bar to Road to VC. Backtrack in car to count mileage. Chinese Buffet. |
61-071215: Ga-Nus-Quah Hike:Pix | December 15 2007 | Mileage: 3.7 | Participants: Dan, Lori, CaraDan, Lori, Cara: Short hike on a snow-covered day. FIRST CONTACT Cascade of Slid and Ga-Nus-Quah Rock. Pine Meadow from Visitor's Center to Stony Brook. Kakiat to Cascade of Slid. Sliding on the rocks and climbing the falls. Kakiat to Pine Meadow to Ga-Nus-Quah. Scaled an icy Harriman version of Olmec. "The choices are yours and yours alone... " |
60-071124: 3rd Annual Big Hill Thanxgiving Overnight:Pix | November 24-25 2007 | Base Mileage 4.15Participants: Dan, Pete, Getti, Andrew, Rob, Jen, Rudd, Lori, Christina, Jeff, Miraxh, Jackson, Michelle, JudyThe most Harrimaniacal rendezvous ever. Jen's late. Ghillie suit. Hike to Big Hill. Hike to unmarked overlooks. Bushwhacking. Bivies. Boy's Park. 30 degrees. Baltimore Colts charter jet crash site. St. John's church. Beating stick. 130+ collective miles, 14 collective nights, 5 new members. |
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October 10 2007: 59-071005: Stockbridge Overnight & Bailytown Hike:Dan, Getti, Rob: Rob's first overnight at Stockbridge. The next day took a self guided tour of Camp Lanowa and hiked through Bailytown. Hikes to the edge of the Harriman/Harriman property. Discovered an unmarked unmarked woods road. |
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September 18 2007: 58-070916: Anthony Wayne AT Hike & BBQ: [Pix Here]:Dan, Andrew, Rob, Jen, Lori, Christina, Josh, Lisa: AT Hike on West Mt, bushwacked to Beechy Bottom Rd, BBQ, sugared plantains, sugar tar pit dino. |
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September 1 2007: 57-070901: Bald Rocks Meteor Marshmallow Hike:Dan, Andrew, Rob, Lori, Christina: Night hike to Bald Rocks to catch the meteor shower, meteor during daylight, Rob missed the big one, common nighthhawk on ground, spooky deer eyes, flying squirrels. |
56-070807: Bradley Mine II Ramapo Torne III Hike:Pix | August 7 2007 | Mileage: 5.3 | Participants: Dan, Getti, Rob, ChristinaExplored Bradley Mine with better lighting, hiked to Ramapo Torne. |
July 9 2007: 55-070705: AT Hike:Dan, Rob: Continuing work on shelter. |
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July 7 2007: 54-070703: Elk Pen / Lemon Squeezer AT Hike:Dan, Rob, Jen: First contact Elk Pen & Island Pond. ToD Shelter 1 foundations laid. Jen sunbathed. Lemon squeezer. |
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June 24/25 2007: 53-070624: Tom Jones Overnight: [Pix Here]:Dan, Getti, Rob, Lori, Christina: Guys in the shelter, girls in the Coleman. Death by Spoons. Girls' first overnight. |
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June 9 2007: 52-070609: Long Path Overnight: [Pix Here]Dan, Getti, Andrew, Rob, Dan S, Jen, Pat: Sunden in town. Pat's first trip. First overnight at LP shelter. Nasty mosquitos. First ToD Congress convenes. Satanist rituals and drumming. Night hike. Andrew cuts his hammock. |
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May 12-13 2007: 51-070512: Bald Rocks Overnight: [Pix Here]:Dan, Getti, Rob, Jen, Matt, George, Tom: In celebration of our FIFTIETH TRIP. Hike past Boston Mine, taking it back to where it all began. Troop 577. Tons of Whip-poor-wills. Tents and hammocks. |
April 2007: 50-070400: William Brien Overnight:Tyler, Kenton: 1-nighter to Willy B. |
49-070401: Northern Tour Overnight:Pix | April 1-2 2007 | Base Mileage: 9.15 | Participants: Dan, Andrew, Getti, RobNine mile hike on first day. Getti and Andrew depart. Rob and Dan tent on the AT in the rain. R-D, 1779, old Long Mt. Parkway, Nawahunta Fire Road, Menomine, AT. Eleven mile 2nd day for a total of 20.3 miles-1-nighter record. |
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March 13 2007: 48-070313: William Brien Hike:Rob, Christina: Short hike to William Brien shelter via Menomine. Bottled some water for Dan (subsequently sent to Kuwait). |
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January 26 2007: 47-070126: Tom Jones Overnight:Dan, Getti, Andrew, Rob: Pileated woodpecker (grr), flying squirrel (grr). Hiked R-D, Triangle, White Bar, unmarked trail (actually bushwacked), Rt. 106. Guy and dog in shelter. Steak-ums and eggs. |
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December 27 2006: 46-061227: Bald Mt. Doodletown Hike: [Pix Here]:Dan, Getti, Rob, Lori, Sarah, Christina: Hike over Bald Mt., back through Doodletown via Cornell Mine, R-D, Bockberg, 1777, and 1777E: Steep hike up Bald Mt. Windy. Cornell Mine. Lunch at fireplace. Tour of south Doodletown. Graverobbers. |
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45-061222: Fingerboard Pre-Christmas Overnight "The Christmas Tree Trip":Pix | December 22-23 2006 | Base Mileage 4.8 | Participants: Dan, Andrew, Rob, AlbertFinally used the Coleman stove. Christmas tree + ornaments. Night hike through Pine Swamp Mine. Unmarked woods road. Top Ten List. Hot chocolate, candy canes, brats, and chestnuts roasting on an open fire. |
44-061117: Jones-Hill 2-Nighter Second Annual Thanxgiving Trip:Pix | November 17-19 2006 | Base Mileage: 11.65 | Participants: Dan, Pete, Getti, AndrewBecause of sucess of Thanxgiving I, attempted to expand Thanxgiving II into a 2-nighter. R-D to Tom Jones night 1. Andrew leaves for frisbee. R-D to Dunning. Hogencamp Mine, Pine Swamp Mine, Times Square. Investigated the "Phantom Shelter." Andrew returns. Big Hill night 2. Jerks in the shelter; slept on the cliff. Cyclists on the trail. Bugel wake-up call. |
October 7 2006: 43-061007: Ramapo Torne Hike II:Dan, Getti, Andrew, Josh: Pine Meadow, Seven Hills, and HTS Trails. Couldn't get enough so we came back for more. Migrating warblers all over the Torne. Hiked back in the dark. |
October 2 2006: 42-061002: Ramapo Torne Hike I:Dan, Getti: Pine Meadow, Seven Hills, HTS, Racoon Brook Hills, and Reeves Brook Trails. Best view in the park. Russian Bear. Ravens at the top. PB&J on the summit. Almost stepped on another Black Rat Snake. |
41-060923: Bald Rock/Boston Mine:September 23 2006 | Mileage: 4.2 | Participants: Dan, Andrew, Lori, IYM John & JeremyR-D, Dunning, White Bar, Nurian. First IYM/ToD co-trip. FINALLY found Boston Mine. Black Rat Snake. |
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September 9-10 2006: 40-060909: Stockbridge Overnight:Dan, Getti, Matt: Stockbridge, Menomine Trail, Long Path, and unmarked. Matt's first overnight. William Brien occupied, Royal Rangers. Stockbridge occupied with guys from CT, stayed anyway. Fire Warden/ex-Army Ranger. Cave Shelter occupied, BSA from PA. |
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August 26 2006: 39-060826: West Mt. Overnight: [Pix Here]:Dan, Pete, Jen: Beech, Red Cross, S-BM, Timp-Torne, and Fawn Trails. Pete reaches Lord-Of-The-Flies status the first time. First Harriman chunda. Mid-trail napping. Karaoke. Fireworks. Asian boombox with "best of Eng" CD. Keys locked in the car; Pete runs the Pal Parkway. |
August 20 2006: 38-060820: Pine Swamp Hike II:Dan, Lori: hike to Pine Swamp Mine via Long Path, Dunning, and Arden-Surebridge Trail: Creepy guy on LP. Rutgers study flags. Deer up close by the mine. The park looks different in the daytime. |
37-060818: Big Hill Hike:August 18 2006 | Mileage 4.1 | Participants: Dan, T-ConnT-Conn added to the ranks. Took the S-BM from 106 to the Big Hill Shelter. Sandwich lunch. Spotted an Ovenbird. |
36-060810: White Bar Marshmallow Roast:August 10 2006 | Mileage 0.7 | Participants: Dan, Andrew, Lori, KatieKatie added to the ranks. Went to White Bar shelter to roast some marshmallows and have some s'mores. |
August 1 2006: 35-060801: Pine Swamp Mountain Hike:Dan, Lori: Hike from boat launch to Pine Swamp Mountain. Looked at the stars. |
July 24/July 25 2006: 34-060724: Midnight Observations:Dan, Lori: Silvermine/Boat Launch: Lori added to the ranks. Two ill fated attempts to go stargazing. 24th ended in police eviction from Silvermine after midnight. 25th ended before it began due to cold feet. First zero-mileage trip. |
33-060526: Doc to Stock "The Long Island Kids Trip:"Pix | May 26-29 2006 | Base Mileage 17.45 | Participants: Dan, Pete, Georgetti, Andrew, Dan S., Sean, Tim, Jen, KupA 2-nighter for Dan, Pete, and Georgetti. 5th Year Anniversary trip. Busiest camping weekend of the year. Idiot adolescents from Long Island. Slept on ground at Dutch Doctor. "This is the best thing that ever happened to us!" Tiorati rendeouz. "Since you been gone..." German camp-mates. Mafia. Slept under the stars. Getti missed the big one... |
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May 13-14 2006: 32-060513: Timp Brien Overnight: [Pix Here]:Dan, Pete, Georgetti, Jen, Rob: Hike from 9W to William Brien via the Timp. Used 1777, Timp Torne and R-D/AT. 10 mile trip. Pete showed up late and played covert opps. Jen's first overnight and Rob's first trip. Pete reaches 100 miles. |
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April 14 2006: 31-060414: Tiorati North Hike:Dan, Georgetti, Jen, Josh: Hike north of the Tiorati Circle via the AT and R-D: 1st trip for Jen and Josh redeemed from the wall of zeroes, rained 2nd half, found R-D redirected since our maps were printed, Tiorati BBQ in the rain. Finally hit the D&D on the way out. |
March 4th/5th 2006: 30-060304: Fingerboard Overnight:Dan & Getti: LP, Dunning, A-SB, AT, Surebridge Mine Rd, Hurst, 7 Lakes Drive. Hogencamp, Pine Swamp, Surebridge and Greenwood Mines. Cape Horn, Times Square. Lunch in Pine Swamp Mine. Dan, "Does this look familiar?" First overnight at Fingerboard. |
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January/February 2006: 29-060131: Dutch Doctor Overnight: [Pix Here]:Dan, Pete, Andrew: Last minute mid-week, mid-school, mid-work trip. FIRST CONTACT Dutch Doctor shelter. Hiked R-D, Triangle, Victory, White Bar trails plus two unmaked roads. Night hike with snow. Chicken pot pie almost caused Andrew to chunder. Porcupines. "Does she cook?" Owl at night, pileated woodpecker in the morning. Pepperoni and brownies for breakfast. |
28-060128: Pine Swamp Hike:January 28 2006 | Mileage 3.2 | Participants: Dan, Albert, Sue, MaryPine Swamp Mine via LP, Dunning, and A-SB. Mary's first Harriman experience! Muddy trip. Pine Swamp Mine. |
27-060121: Menomine Hike:January 2006 | Mileage: 4.2 | Particiapants: Dan, MattHike to Stockbridge, exploration of Silvermine Area: Matt's first Harriman experience redeeming him from the Wall of Zeroes, Menomine to Long Path/Stockbridge, returned and explored Silvermine Ski Area. |
26-051226: Doodletown Hike:Pix | December 26 2005 | Mileage 6.3 | Participants: Dan, Pete, AndrewComplete exploration of Doodletown via 1777, bridle path, and ski road. FIRST CONTACT Doodletown, rare trip to the NE corner. Parked on 9W by Iona, lots of old buildings, bushwacking, walking on water, sighted 3 bluebirds, couldn't find Edison 'Mine.' |
25-051220: Tom Jones Hike:December 20 2005 | Mileage 4.75 | Participants: Dan, GettiIntended destination Dutch Doctor, planning for a never realized 2-nighter. R-D past Tom Jones to Victory to Triangle. Return on R-D. FIRST CONTACT Tom Jones Shelter, scouted the site, sweet, had grilled cheese for lunch at the shelter, raven sighted on the way out. |
24-051100: 1st Annual Big Hill Thanxgiving Overnight:Pix | November 2005| Mileage: 4.1 | Participants: Dan, Pete, Georgetti, Andrew, Collin, GeorgeGeorge's first wilderness experience, FIRST CONTACT Big Hill, ORAK ruin, fire tower, Navy cadences, nearby campers listening to Black Sabbath, plans for the Tribe of Dan concieved as 'a list of all our trips.' |
August 5? 2005: 23-050800: White Bar Overnight:Dan, Sean, Georgetti: First Southern Overnight, trash removal from site, tent and Hennessy, Andrew and Dan S for campfire, stories from Europe, Sean's last trip before Micronesia. |
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July 16 2005: 22-050716: Tiorati Circle Hike & BBQ:Dan, Andrew, Georgetti, Albert: Hike via Long Path, AT: Long Path and Fingerboard shelters, mine, BBQ with no forks, burgers in armor. |
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June 2005: 21-050600: Bald Rocks --> William Brien 2-Nighter:Pete, Dan, Andrew, Georgetti, Rudd: Bald Rocks-->William Brien 2-nighter, whipoorwill, Lemon Squeezer, mine, first ToD use of the water purifier then suddenly drenched in a downpour, Jonny Blaze *through hiker,* Rudd shows up and scares Georgetti on second night. |
January 2005: 20-050100: Bald Rocks Overnight:Dan, Georgetti, Andrew: Short but blizzard-like, blowing snowstorm, ice + bald rocks = bad. Attempt detour at the ravine, bushwacked in the snow, difficultly starting fire. Older guys on snowshoes arrive, add hemlock limbs for the fire. |
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December 2004: 19-041200: West Mt. Overnight--"The Neal Trip":Dan, Pete, Neal, Georgetti, Dan S: Neal's first wilderness experience: "Is there gonna be a microwave there?" Light snow, great weather for winter camping. "Does this make you feel like more of a man?" Hole in the sleeping bag and melted Tims. Log up the chimney. "Hey Dan, do you think its as cold down there in that town as it is up here? |
October 2004: 18-041000: William Brien Hike:Dan, Melvin: Scouting for a possible XA trip (planned for Nov 04 but snowed out). |
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June 2004: 17-040600: Bald Rocks Overnight:Dan S., Tyler, Danza, Park: Beautiful weather, a marshmallow tree, video of danza pooping in the woods. |
The Early YearsMay 2004?: 16-040500: Hike to Black Rock:Dan, Sue: Sprained ankle on return trip leads to blame placing and causes sour ending. January 2004?: 15-040200: William Brien Overnight:Dan, Andrew, Getti, Albert: Andrew arrives late, Dan makes scary night-time solo hike to rendevous. Wake to 40 Koreans on snowshoes, scout troop moved in with tents as we left, gave em our milk. January 2004?: 14-040100: Stockbridge Overnight "The White Gas Trip:"Dan, Pete, Andrew, Dan S, Getti: Cold night. No wood. Pete brings an old can of degraded white gas to get the fire started. Pours small splashes. Dan S tries to duplicate and soon a flaming can of gas is rolling out of the shelter... August? 2003: 13-030800: William Brien Overnight:Dan, Andrew, Getti: Georgetti's first trip, MS Matt *through hiker* & dog on the AT, Georgetti was alittle freaked out, Matt was alittle weird. July 2003: 12-030700: West Mt. Overnight -- "The Rattlesnake Trip":Dan, Pete, Andrew, Alex, Dan S, Sean, Tim, Rudd, Tyler, Kenton: The infamous "Rattlesnake Trip," 7PM departure, hike over the Timp, 2 rattlers, late night hike, missing blaze, lost the trail, shelter occupied, slept under the stars--Dan S literally on the ground, alt route Rev Trails back. Summer 2003?: 11-030000: Bear Mountain Hike:Dan, Pete, Andy, Sean: took the hard way up, cop stopped us at the top after hours, offered us a ride back (we declined), hurried back to the bottom, hoped our car wasn't locked in Summer 2003?: 10-030000: Hell Hole Hike:Pete, Collin: Hell hole and back from the Popolopen Bridge. Summer 2003: 9-030000: William Brien Overnight:Pete, Rudd: short last minute trip Winter 2003: 8-030000: Bald Rocks-->West Mt. 2-Nighter:Pete, Ed, Brandon: First 2-nighter, 21 mile hike from 106 to Bear Mt. via R-D. Brandon goes running, gets lost, asks for directions in town. ToD introduced to sandals for backpacking. Longest overall trip until 62-071226. |
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December 2002: 7-02122x: William Brien Overnight:Dan, Pete, Sik: ~8 inches of snow, ski-slope sledding until wet, sled dragging, Sik and Pete leave Dan with stuff on trail, Pete returns for second trip. Whitaker's summer suasage, no sleeping bag for Sik, used the sled as a wind-shield. |
October 2002: 6-021000: William Brien OvernightDan and Sik: last minute trip before too much school, short overnight, nice weather. Summer 2002: 5-020000: Bald Rocks Nurian Hike:Pete, Dan, Andrew: Andrew's first trip to Harriman, hiked past Bald Rocks, hung a left on Dunning, got so lost trying to find Boston mine, returned on Nurian. April 2002: 4-020400: William Brien Overnight:Pete, Dan, Woody, Brian, Sik: Rumors of a shelter with bunks lead us to make FIRST CONTACT William Brien, the boys get their first burgers in armor. Mamma Zen. AT night hike to eastern viewpoint of Black Mt. No sleeping bag for Brian. January 2002: 3-020100: Stockbridge Overnight:Pete, Dan: First Stockbridge overnight, Aaron Redsiker, overnight low in the teens, high winds, coyotes howling. Ice throwing, ranger questions. Ice curling, turtle under the ice, envi police, "get off the ice." Swallow nests from Silvermine. August 2001: 2-010800: Bald Rocks OvernightPete, Dan, Sik, Tim, Sean, Andy, Kup: intended 2-nigter, broke the lantern, broke the cooler, Pete arrives late toting multiple lights, tents and lean-to, lantern stolen, first trip for the Coleman, goat roast, everyone bails early, Pete and Dan hit Silvermine for lunch, Killdeer nest, see the frolicking Europeans, FIRST CONTACT hike to Stockbridge & Cave Shelter, Lake Welch "ghetto beach." June 2001: 1-010601: Bald Rocks Overnight -- "The Maiden Voyage"Pete & Dan: The one that started it all. FIRST CONTACT Bald Rocks, Sik got lost and never made it but saw lots of deer, Dan's first taste of MREs, stargazing on the rocks and trying to ID the city lights, great horned owl, tree tipping. Best after-prom party ever. |