the Lone Ranger


Earned by participating in a 'Clan of Rob' event >200 miles from Harriman with a Harrimaniac living >200 miles from Harriman. Hiking, camping, and backpacking activities normally acceptable for the Clan of Rob are acceptable for this homework assignment. This homework assingment may not be completed in the NY-NJ area regardless of the type of trip involved.


This homework assignment is designed for Harrimaniacs living away from the Harriman area. The idea is to allow Harrimaniacs living internationally or in distant parts of the country to continue to be involved in the Harrimaniac tradtion of camping and hiking. Essentially, this award is earned for completing a Clan of Rob trip while living abroad or for completing such a trip with a Harrimaniac living abroad whether active or inactive. Harrimaniacs living <200 miles from Harriman should be spending their time in Harriman.

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